Sunday, 3 June 2012

Creating Apache/PHP/MySQL Server (Host your own files)

Introduction: -- What are we creating extactly?
- A webserver in which you can host your own files
- Integrated with PHP
- Also, MySQL capabilities
- A new domain for your webserver

DISCLAIMER: By the end of this tutorial, your webserver is only online as long as your computer is!

Have I lost you yet? In that case you might as well go here and start learning.
Basically we are creating our own website...

Step #1:
Download XAMPP
What is XAMPP? It is a package with an autoinstall of PHP, MySQL, and Apache.

download link - 

h tt p:/ /ww w. apachefriends .o rg/download .p hp? xampplit e-w in3 2- 1.7.3.e xe

remove spaces. 
MD5 checksum: ce02838d8e92407926429e3829d113a5
**This is a safe file, however I cannot check this with, it is 28MB and the limit is 20MB, sorry.


Step #2:
a) Run xampplite-win32-1.7.3
b) Choose a destination folder (I chose C:/ for ease of use)
c) Allow it to extract all of its files.

Step #3: A command prompt should pop up after the install is complete.

# Question: Should I add shortcuts to the startmenu/desktop? (y/n):
a) Hit , make sure y is selected.
# Question: Should I proceed? (y/x=exit setup):
b) Hit , Make sure y is selected.
# Question: Should I make a portable XAMPP without drive letters?
c) Hit , make sure n is selected
# Press to continue:
d) Hit
# Press to continue:
e) Hit again
# Please choose (1-5/x)
f) Hit 1, then

Step #4: Customizing your webserver!

You may close the Command Prompt.
Also, the XAMPP Control Panel should have popped up.

a) Hit the "Start" across from Apache
b) Hit the "Start" across from MySql

Congratulations! You have now created a web-server, however it is currently local. (Not on the internet yet)

Now to customize--
a) Go to the directory you chose to install in.
(For me, this is C:\xampplite)
b) Find the "htdocs" folder, open it
**This is your website directory, this is where you would store files like viruses or your index.html**
c) delete index.php and index.HTML and the xampp folder, put in any files you wanted hosted into htdocs

d) Test the web server... Open a browser type or http://YOUR-INTERNAL-IP (Mine is
your files should show up :) However they are not on the internet yet.

Your files in the C:\xampplite\htdocs directory should show up on the page
Step #6: Giving your website a new domain (OPTIONAL)

a) **click** Sign up and change your domain to h tt p: // anything .c o.n r **click**
b) **click** Sign up and change your domain to ht t p:/ /a nythin g.t k **click**
If I wanted to change my domain from to
a) click the link provided above
b) type my current address (ht tp :/ /5 2.13 8.2 59. 1 2) hit next
c) "The web address will be renamed to.." Write:
d) hit the confirm button under the check.
Your new domain as should now go back to your external ip address.


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